click + collect terms

These terms and conditions (together with our privacy policy and website terms of use) govern the relationship between wagamama limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 02605751 whose registered office is at 5-7 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1EP ("we", "us", "our") and you in respect of any order for you place for click + collect via our website ( ("order").  By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions. You must therefore read these terms and conditions carefully. Please print a copy of these terms and conditions for your records. If there is anything you do not understand, you can find more information in our FAQs.

These terms only apply to click and collect orders. These terms will not apply to any order you place with us for delivery. When ordering for delivery our third party delivery provider's terms will apply and can be found here . For more information, please contact us here.

1.      ordering with us

You can find everything you need to know about us and our products on our website before you place an order. We also confirm the key information to you by email after you place an order.

You must be at least 18 years old and be located in England, Scotland or Wales to place an order with us. Click + collect is not available in Northern Ireland or any other international locations outside of England, Scotland and Wales.

You should check all of the information that you provide to us when placing an order is up to date – we will not be responsible for any issues resulting from any errors in the information you submit to us when placing an order.

Sometimes we may have to reject an order you place with us, for example, if: your payment is not authorised or has failed; a product is unexpectedly out of stock; there is an issue at the restaurant in which you have placed your order; or the product was mispriced by us. When this happens, we let you know as soon as possible and any sums you have paid to us will be refunded within 5 - 10 working days.

We will contact you by email to confirm that we've received and accepted your order.

2.      prices and payment

The prices of our products are as stated within our menu on our website and these prices are inclusive of VAT.

You must pay for your order through our website at the time you place your order using an accepted credit or debit card. The payment for your order will be debited from your account in the timescales set by your card or account provider.

If your payment is not authorised, your order will not be sent through to the restaurant and will not be fulfilled.

3.      cancelling or amending your order

You may only cancel your order after it has been submitted and payment has been authorised up to 45 minutes before your chosen collection time. If you cancel your order before this time, you may obtain a refund for the order by contacting our customer services team here. We will process any refunds within 5 – 10 working days of us approving any refund request. If you wish to cancel your order, this can be done by telephoning the restaurant that you placed your order with. You will have no right to a refund if you attempt to cancel your order less than 45 minutes before your chosen collection time.

We are unable to correct or change any information within an order once payment for the order has been processed. If you have made an error in your order, to correct this error you will be required to call the restaurant that you placed the order with to cancel the order and place a new order. To add additional items to your order once payment has been processed, you will be required to place a new order for the additional items.

4.      collecting your order

You should arrive at the restaurant at the collection time you selected when placing your order. Please make yourself known to one of the restaurant team and tell them the name under which you placed the order, and the order number. You might be asked to show the card you used to pay for the order to a member of our restaurant team as proof of your identity and so we can check that the card matches with the receipt data for your order. We will endeavour to have your order ready for you to collect at your chosen collection time.

You must have the intention to collect your order at the collection time you agree to when placing your order – if you fail to collect your order within 45 minutes of the agreed pick up time, we reserve the right to dispose of all or part of your order and you will not be entitled to a refund.

5.      issues with your order

If you think there is something wrong with your order once collected, you must contact our customer services team here . We honour our legal duty to provide you with products that are as described to you on our website and that meet all the requirements imposed by law.

6.      our responsibility to you

we're not responsible for delays outside our control: If our supply of your order is delayed by an event outside our control, such as failures of facilities within our restaurants which mean we cannot fulfil your order, a restaurant closure, unavailability of products in your order, failure of network services or failure of systems not controlled by us, we will aim to contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will do what we can to reduce the delay. As long as we do this, we won't compensate you for the delay, but if the delay is likely to be substantial or if we need to cancel your order as a result, we will contact you to let you know and any sums you have paid to us for that order will be refunded within 5 - 10 working days.

information on our website:

-        we do our best to ensure that information on our website is correct, but we can’t promise it is accurate or complete - although we make reasonable efforts to update the information provided on our website, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that such information is accurate, complete or up to date.

-        we do our best to ensure that our product names, descriptions, prices, nutritional information and allergy information are accurate - if you are in any doubt about the contents of any of our products, you should confirm with us directly before you place an order with us, by contacting us here.

other websites we link to: our website may contain links to other independent websites which are not provided by us - such independent websites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for and have not checked and approved their content or their privacy policies (if any) and you will need to make your own independent judgement about whether to use any such independent sites, including whether to buy any products or services offered by them.

our responsibility to you for losses you suffer: we will be responsible for losses you suffer caused by us breaching these terms and conditions unless the loss is:

-        unexpected – for example, it was not obvious that it would happen (so, in the law, the loss was unforeseeable);

-        caused by a delaying or disrupting event outside of our control (as long as we have told you as soon as possible about the delay / disruption and we have taken steps to reduce the impact of the delay / disruption, as set out above);

-        avoidable (i.e. a loss you could have avoided by taking reasonable action) – for example, if you place an order for food containing ingredients to which you are intolerant or allergic;

-        a business loss – we only supply products for domestic and private use and so if you use the products for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

-        connected to defective digital content that we have supplied that damages a device or digital content belonging to you that you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or for damage that was caused by you failing to correctly follow instructions or to have in place the relevant security requirements advised by us.

These terms and conditions do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

7.      other terms applicable these click + collect terms

7.1   using our website: our website terms of use will apply to your use of our website when placing orders via our website – these terms can be found here.

7.2   wagamama soul club: our soul club terms and conditions set out the terms that apply to your membership of wagamama soul club – these terms can be found here.

7.3   how we use your personal data: how we use the information collected when you place an order can be found in our privacy policy

7.4   changes to these terms and conditions: we amend these terms and conditions from time to time – please check the latest version of these terms on our website every time you wish to place an order to ensure you understand the terms that apply to that order - these terms were last updated on the date set out at the end of these terms.

7.5   transfer of your contract with us: we may transfer the benefit of these terms and conditions to any other company in the same group of companies as us. If we assign the benefit of these terms and conditions, your rights will not be affected - you can only transfer your contractual rights with us to someone else if we expressly agree to this in advance.   

7.6   nobody else has any rights under this contract: this contract is between you and us. Nobody else can enforce it and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing it.

7.7   enforcement of these terms and conditions: if a court or other authority decides that some of these terms and conditions are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply. We might not immediately contact you for not doing something or for doing something you're not allowed to (i.e. enforcing these terms and conditions), but that doesn’t mean we can't do it later.

7.8    resolving disputes with us:

-        please contact us here  in the first instance if you have any problems with us or our click + collect service.

-        you may resolve a dispute with us without going to court - alternative dispute resolution is an optional process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court - you can submit a complaint to the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution through their website at and if you're not satisfied with the outcome, you can still go to court.

-        you can resolve disputes by going to court – these terms are governed by English law and wherever you live you can bring claims against us in the English courts – if you live in Wales or Scotland, you can also bring claims against us in the courts of the country you live in – we can claim against you in the courts of the country you live in.

terms last updated: July 2024