
the fresh ingredients

1 chicken breast

40g prawns

80g mangetout

1 red onion

120g bean sprouts

2 eggs, beaten



fresh chilli

chilli flakes

200g rice noodles

120g pad thai stir fry sauce

20ml fish sauce

crispy fried shallots

crushed peanuts

a wedge of lime

chicken + prawn pad thai

everyone’s favourite stir fry just got easier thanks to our new pad thai stir fry sauce. add flavour to freshness for a quick + easy meal for the whole fam

prep time
10 mins
cook time
10 mins

how to make chicken + prawn pad thai


the fresh ingredients

1 chicken breast

40g prawns

80g mangetout

1 red onion

120g bean sprouts

2 eggs, beaten



fresh chilli

chilli flakes

200g rice noodles

120g pad thai stir fry sauce

20ml fish sauce

crispy fried shallots

crushed peanuts

a wedge of lime


step one

how to make the pad thai

  1. season the chicken + 1 tablespoon of oil in a large frying pan or wok over a medium-high heat. add the chicken + fry until browned all over

  2. cook the noodles according to the packet instructions, then drain + set aside

  3. place the chicken, prawns, vegetables, ginger, garlic, chilli, chilli flakes + noodles in a large bowl + mix well

  4. heat the remaining oil in a large wok or frying pan over a high heat, tip in the noodle mixture + stir-fry, ensuring the ingredients move around the pan + start to cook

  5. tip in the eggs + continue to stir-fry until the vegetables start to caramelise + the egg cooks, about 3–4 minutes

  6. add the pad thai stir fry sauce + fish sauce + toss through the ingredients, making sure the sauce does not stick to the pan. stir-fry for a further 2 minutes + then remove from the heat

  7. divide between 2 serving plates + scatter with the fresh herbs. garnish with the peanuts, crispy fried shallots + a wedge of lime + serve immediately

chicken + prawn pad thai faqs

what is pad thai?

pad thai (ผัดไทย) is a delicious noodle dish from thailand, that is now eaten around the world. flavours of tamarind, fish sauce, and traditionally seasoned with peanuts, pad thai is a noodle classic

what does the pad in pad thai mean?

the "pad" in pad thai (ผัดไทย), means "stir fry". literally translated, pad thai means "thai stir fry"

what is pad thai sauce made from?

pad thai sauce is made from dried chilli, garlic, shallots, fish sauce, palm sugar, tamarind and salt